Saturday, June 28, 2008


Westerns always made this so easy to figure out. White hats for good guys, black ones for the bad guys.

And the bad guys were poor shots, while the good guys never miss. Ah, to have life be so simple.

But in the real world, things don't quite work that way. Oh it is a wonderful fantasy, but in truth, things stay very muddy and unclear in terms of heroes and villains.

For example I am able thanks to good press to perpetrate the persona of being a good guy. Which is such a blessing compared to the truth.

Now I have savored this blessing. Relished in its reality while dreaming of how I can best further my selfish plots and not get caught.

At the same time I must confess there are other problems involved with this. Because the same system that benefits me also benefits others.

So another bad guy can find ways of making life look perfect and good even if they are the essence of evil. Yep, that works that way too well.

This puts a burden on me to be sure I don't accept at first glance the image others use for publicity. I know that game too well.

And it does complicate the process. I mean I really need to know the times that people are thieves and liars.

Especially if my goal is to have them enlisted as possible partner in my evil dealings. Yep, that really is important.

Just have to be so careful. I have to be sure I scope out what they say and do it with caution.

I also know that they are doing the same. So I do the best I can to take time and just chat. Find out if they have any real bad guy qualities.

That generally will be obvious in due time. Which comes up in so many ways. But not without a little game of guessing.

And then if all works out, we can both go shopping for white hats. Practice strutting around and saying noble things.

Which is so fun to try and impress. And if we work it right, I will be able to even have them help me create a diversion.

Then we can rob the bank when nobody is watching.


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