Friday, July 04, 2008


Ah, a little smile on you day's Sundae. Those nice departures from doldrums where you have a desert of distraction to savor.

As for the flavor, well that depends upon the person. But there are so many to choose from.

That is for some of us. Not for everyone. Some people are prone to not enjoy all deserts. Well not openly.

We are not talking ice cream you understand. More like the pleasures you don't always admit you crave.

That kind of candy you love to eat, but don't want anyone to know you about. Because somebody said that kind of candy is bad for you.

So you learn quickly to not talk about them. To still want them, but pretend you don't love sugar.

Oh yeah that works. You truly are so thrilled to not have those things to look forward to in life. Okay no smirking here.

Now what I'm talking about is the extra items that come after you get the dessert. Such as when you get a nice all night stand snack and it turns out the cookie is extra, extra tasty.

But then it does have other applications. The point is naturally that you are talking about what gives a nice smile to where you already had a reason to smile.

Now sprinkles you understand are rare at times. And you have to work a little extra hard to find them.

But they are so worth it when you find them. The taste itself is so worth it. And you got to be grateful for that.a

Ah, well the way I figure it this is one of those blessings in life. A special joy that you just can't value enough.

Now if you savor this and agree go forth and chase those sprinkles. You will find them when you least expect it.

Sounds good doesn't it? Impressed? I thought you would be. I know you will give and this plenty of thought.

Well I want to think so. And that will be a joy when you find those sprinkles even if I have to give you their location. For a fee you understand. I need my sprinkles too.


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