Saturday, July 19, 2008


Better is always an improvement over worse. Just not sure it is it is all worth the process of thinking about it.

I mean better implies things can be other than what they are. It inspires hope and that can be dangerous.

Well it is to me. I just don't care for the times when you know this is not an option that improves anything.

But to avoid that problem you have to focus on what better should really mean. And that can be a big concern.

Yeah, if you are dealing with people who are a tad prone to say they are better when they aren't. You don't want to call them a liar, but you can tell it isn't true.

And from my view this is a basic issue that you have to face as part of the challenge of communication. I mean I suppose a lot of us have done the have a nice deal.

Said it or the ever popular "are you are?" But never wanted the question answer. Nope don't even wait to find out.

But then what can I say? It is part of being shallow and uncaring. To which I naturally plead guilty.

I have a feeling I am not alone though. That a few others would be guilty too. If they admitted it.

However, I rather doubt they will confess. Not surprised though. Why should we punish ourselves for such nature conditions?

Well that is my view of it. I just get tired of pretending. I mean better ought to really be an improvement.

Not some silly game of words nobody means. I know because I am very well practiced at them.

But that doesn't mean I enjoy the practice. Not that I want to hear all the bad news either. Nope not interested in that either.

Just would like an in between somewhere. A place were I could dwell without getting pissed.

Might be too much to hope for. Yeah, I know that all sucks. I just am used to it by now. After all I do savor the need to tell the truth.
Just not all the time. In fact hardly ever.


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