Wednesday, January 23, 2008


Ah favorite dream. Yeah, to have a chance to license my corruption. It has such a sweet taste to me.

You know a chance to share my wisdom with aspiring conmen everywhere. Let them benefit from my experience.

It would be wonderful, but I can't seem to get to figure a way to make it happen. Honestly, just doesn't work for me.

I guess I do say that a lot. But then it is because it is so darn true. Really is essential in some many ways.

Not that I am complaining. I just have these ambitions. You know to rise above my dismal greedy life to one of pure avarice.

I don't imagine that is a dream I will realize. Too many others are on the same path I guess.

All wishing they too could grab for the brass fleece. Er, the ring I guess. In any case the shiny things you want more than anything in life.

But we don't get to have them when we want. So we end up lusting for them and dreaming about them.

Somewhere in all the insanity we get our chance to savor a moment of hope. That little dream you know could work.

Then comes the chance to make it all better. Well on paper at least. I size up my dreams and hopes and figure it will work.

Only in reality it often doesn't. That is when the crap hits the fan. Yep, it really is something else.

But you know, I haven't given up. Honestly, I don't abandoned thinking of just one more time.

Yep that old let's try it again. And it really does sound good. It might not actually end up in becoming what we want, but it sure feels good.

So I sit and plot. And plot and sit. In the end I just feel like I'm ready to move on and then I do.

Well in terms of figuring out who to screw next. Ah, it is to dream. A real thrill for me when I have that one path open up that might lead to some place special. As it paradise. A few borrowed funds never hurts either.


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