Thursday, January 24, 2008


One has to admit there is a certain joy in life from knowing when things are completely hopeless. You can relax because no one will blame you for the failure.

It really is a good feeling. That sense of being able to screw up and nobody complains. Heck if you work it right they will reward you.

And talk about sympathy, oh my this is one of the truly great opportunities for such things. A chance to sit back and be made out to be a hero.

I tell you there is no better feeling that to be viewed as a champion when you just lost the big game. And to have that moment of triumph after a dismal defeat, ah let me tell you that is such a treat.

It really isn't impossible to accomplish. Just have to swallow your pride and be prepared to lose big time. That can be hard to take a times.

But heck the, "we lost and are proud of it celebration" can last for days. Boy some of those are down right thrilling.

What I personally cherish most of all is the occasions when I get to rewrite the facts. Now that is the best part.

By the time I get done with the new version, add in some critical drama elements, my goodness it is a myth worthy of a sitcom. And that is class.

For really bad situations, where the occasions requires, I have solicited the help of a ghost writer. Cost a couple of bucks, but well worth the revision.

Actually, I have been sort of working on trying to come up with a nice computer program for this type of thing. To give more people a chance to have a shot at creating their own fairy tale ending.

Would be good to you know have a nice option such as adding in one's choice of villains. Then also choices in terms of added scenarios about disasters.

By the time I got done it would not doubt be a best seller. I could have losers everywhere lining up to buy a copy and re-invent their failures.

Why there is no end to where this might lead. Heck with the right publicity I might even be able to distribute this to the whole world.

I love the idea of letting people in oppressed parts of the world have a chance to feel good about themselves. Maybe to the point that nobody even remembers the true story eventually.

Then I can write myself in as emperor of the world. Well, just a thought.


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