Monday, January 21, 2008


Yep, this is when I am most happy. The times when I have a chance to repeat something truly wonderful.

Now admittedly not everyone would share my concept of truly wonderful. Nope, I will acknowledge that is the case.

Which is fine naturally since I don't mind not having the competition. Just sort of takes away from my focus and joy.

So I will embrace the right of freedom for all. And that always includes myself. Yep, I feel I am entitled to such joys too.

The hard part I suppose is to be sure is not being able to get a specific definition on the concept of doing it again and when that is great. For me it is easy. I base it on pleasure. Simple enough right?

Not really clear on why that is so bad. But let me tell you a lot won't accept that as true. They will get a little less than thrilled if you say, I did it because it gets my juices flowing.

But that is okay. I will grant them the right to be miserable. And I still don't mind, except that they do have a tendency to want to keep me from having a good time too.

This does not keep me from my goal. Party is never a word lacking a y in it, which I think of as yes.

Okay my interpretation, but I like it. Some don't. But not my problem. They are entitled to their misery.

And to even repeat it as often as they wish. I won't stop them. Why spoil their fun? Honestly for some misery is fun.

A strange sort of pleasure to be sure, but that doesn't seem to affect some people's thinking. And that is fine with me.

In any case I think I will just keep my agenda as it is. Which is find. I just hate to you know get bogged down with all this need to make things up.

But if I don't I have to tolerate all the complaints. Boring! Yeah that doesn't work for me.

However, that is not my problem. So I will just move on savor life on my level. Which if I work it right, is prostrate next to a nice friendly lady.

Like I said, my idea that counts.


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