Monday, November 26, 2007


Oh yeah, this is very important. When things are good and go beyond one's expectations. That is always a joy.

Only it never happens quite the way we want. Or at the times we wish. But when it does happen that is such a blessing.

Yep, I would vote for this any time I could get it. I don't get it whenever I seek it. However, I do work on it.

And to that end I am always grateful when the moments come that give me such reason to celebrate. They may not come when I wish, still the do come once an a while.

I suppose some might wonder why I should even attempt to discuss this at all. Well because I have found that my view on such things can be a service to others.

Okay, I took a poll and it was exactly how I figured it would turn out. When I asked if people enjoyed reading my slant on life, the majority said yes.

And for the three employees that work for me who took the poll, I thank you. Those raises I promised will be coming soon enough. Maybe not quite when I said, but sooner than never. However I won't say exactly when.

Anyway, I am grateful that I was able to arrange to bring this reality to the benefit of others. That will always give me reason to feel good.

Perhaps in the process that will make for some nice reading too. I can hope that will end up being the case.

The problem is being sure you find the right people to embrace this gold. Some you know are just not ready for the experience.

Alas this is a tragedy, but we do what we can in any case. So that works out to be a nice detour from reality.

Sure why shouldn't it? After all any excuse to avoid reality is a good one. And I can always manage my share.

Which is so nice in these situations. Since once you move pass the need for facts, everything works so much better.

Then you can have these little special moments more often. And all will benefit. Perhaps they won't appreciate it right away, but I'm sure they will eventually.

Just a matter of inspiring them to appreciate the need for being creative. That is always such a great way to interpret it.


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