Friday, November 23, 2007


There is nothing more frustrating for me at times that dealing with people that piss you off and won't go away. Oh they promise to leave. But they never quite do.

Not that you honestly expect they will. For such pests never truly disappear. They just sort of fade for a while and then find another time to come back.

Most likely when you are extremely busy and need to talk to them the least. Yep, that is the joy of such folks.

Oh as a Mayor I do have to invest in lots of lives. Some are er, more entertaining than others.

So you do what you can to figure a way to not spend too much time with them. Meetings always are a nice option.

Only you can't stay in meetings forever. I have tried and it doesn't work. Learned that the hard way when I ended up trapped in this men's room while people waiting outside the council chambers thinking I was inside. God that was a nightmare.

Well live and learn as they say and man did I learn from that one. Which has helped me to appreciate the need to also never be without an extra roll of toilet paper. But that is another story.

In any case I have come to understand the meeting option is not always the best one. Well not in all cases. Does work in some.

Still I do have to work on some alternatives. Mainly this involves two forms of thought. One is making a first lie approach that gives them the place you have to go that makes sense.

As a Mayor I do find lots of places like that. You know schools, churches, charity fund raisers. Lots of options that people accept.

In the meantime while they see you riding off into the sunset of nobility, you are really heading off to some truly cool place. A kind of locale that truly inspires you to smile.

Only it has to be a location where they won't show up. Which means a place out of town possibly.

As long as they can't or don't follow you. That can be very embarrassing at times. And that is part of what is all an approach I have taken to ensure I escape the boomerang people.

It isn't always easy, but I do the best I can. Which if it leads to a smile, then I'm happy and if I do it without that person, even better.


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