Thursday, November 08, 2007


Well in a more perfect life this might not be a problem. Yeah, we wouldn't have to have times when things are other than perfect.

Yep, I wish I had a way to make that happen. It would be nice if by chance this was possible.

However, I am a realist. That means I am stuck accepting reality even if it sucks. But it doesn't keep me from wishing.

Does this in any way help? It does for me. Because there are times when it is great to you know when having that time of imagining truly leads to see possibilities.

I didn't say it was perfect in terms of outcome. Just that it does grant one the joy of thinking of a better life.

That is a blessing. And at least it is in my view. Might not be for some, but it works that way for me.

I guess that is because we all know life sucks at times. So being able to see it as utopia is nice.

I didn't say it means things will improve. Only that still leaves us trying to cope with the present.

Which can be a joy if we see it in a way that has hope. That really is the part that counts the most.

For as long as we see hope in things we can always find a reason to smile, which is the part that really does make it all worth while.

See that is what the brain dead realists seem to miss. Really dreaming is a good thing. Not that it works all the time

But when it does, it is great. And I truly savor those times when dreams fill the void. It gives me such reasons to smile.

Only I guess those who don't like to dream will never care. They will always get pissed at life.

That is the part that I focus on. Let's have a good time no matter how much life sucks. And if we have to go crazy in the process all the better.

Don't know if you will get everyone to savor that glorious moment when we can say to heck with the dull and pass the joy. Now that would be truly a time to savor and I will do that always.


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