Monday, November 05, 2007


I guess I'm hung up on good things lately. And this really gives me so many times to smile.

For great times really are such a blessing. There I go again with the blessing thing again. Guess it is sort of stuck in my head.

I just think blessings really are a great deal. Wish I could find a way to make this an everyday experience, but instead it only happens so times.

I am working on it. And the best way I know to do that is to be sure that I find a way to make all events a good time.

Is this easy? Nope. It is down right tough. Because there are too many who will plot to keep you from enjoy them.

At least from what I have observed. They are just down right obnoxious and plotting in a way that says, "I don't want anyone to have a good time."

I have learned to see such people as other than helpful or worth offering advice. If they want to live that way find.

I will of course let them savor such option. If going to funerals is there idea of fun, so be it.

That just doesn't work for me. Honestly, I will not put myself into the category of seeing sorrow as a form of entertainment.

This much you can count with me. I will always focus on enjoying life and savoring what is good.

And that means having plenty of smiles. Now that is hard where I live. I will grant you that much.

What can I say? We are talking about a place where dull is a lifestyle. Where people consider organizing their sock drawer as a social outing.

This is never going to make my list of joys. And you can be sure if it ever does I know it will be time to retire from life.

Then I will join the others who are in the same boat. Not with a smile you understand. Just with the appreciation that if I'm that bad off I might as well be dead.

Which is a good alternative to the stupidity some call life. And you can be sure I will not join them if I can avoid it. I will naturally chose the option of visiting the mortician first. That is more merciful.


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