Tuesday, November 06, 2007


Hard to think of the concept of a crone without it involving droning. I mean a crone is not exactly a term related to someone know as little Ms. Sunshine.

It is generally related to an older woman who is, well, not happy. Oh she might have been happy at some point in life, but now she pissed at the world and making sure everyone she meets feels a need to drone on about life's misery.

Is this a good thing? Not to me. I always feel there ought to have been a point where this person was remotely happy. You know the sun came up and she had a reason to smile. Had friends and even a reason to enjoy life.

But when I listen to the person, I must confess, I don't hear them say anything that suggests this is the case. Most of the time it is more like the present is just a reflection of the past. As if the past was practice for this misery. Not quite an inspirational concept.

Now I do consider myself less than blessed to have a rather super abundance of such ladies in my city. I have learned to cope.

That is a popular term for not screaming even when you want to or even need to. How do I maintain my sanity?

Easy. I just toss one of my help as sacrifice to these gals. Yeah, that is the cowards way out. I agree, but it so works.

See from my view this is just being practical. All my help are as a rule younger than me. Okay, in some of the departments there are plenty of crones.

However, I am talking about the ones I can sucker into believing my lies about this help thing. I toss them some fake bone of promise and they go for it every time.

It sucks to some degree I suppose, but what the heck, they seem to survive. Well at least that sounds good.

And I keep telling myself even when one of them as a rather nasty bruise from having some crone bash him with an umbrella or cane. That is so tacky, but hey, that's what crones do.

I do try to find solace in the reality that my help do heal fast. They might heal faster if they had better health insurance.

Perhaps one with a deductible that wasn't nearly as much as their monthly salary. But then if I fixed that they might go the doctor more. Besides, if I used more city funds for that purpose it would cut into the money I need for my own needs.

After all you can drink overpriced gourmet coffee for breakfast without having fresh rolls flown in from a major city bakery I so love. Just wouldn't be breakfast without them.


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