Tuesday, October 30, 2007


This is the feeling you get went you get caught. Not from thinking about a given action, only when it leads to regret.

See this is my complaint. For if you don't get caught you really aren't not going to be sorrowful. Conscience on vacation naturally. Probably somewhere truly having fun.

And that is the key from my view. If you only feel bad when you get caught then you are really unhappy when you make certain choices.

So what does that say about you? To me it says you are normal. Another wonderful expression of humanity.

And may I say in such situations, welcome to the human race. You are among many friends.

Now that is not to say everyone will agree. Nope, there are some who will not look at that situation with pride.

They will be more inclined to treat it as something other than a source of pride. Because it would mean that morality was not the king they claim it is .

Isn't that terrible? Not to me. I live quite happily in the land where no tears ever fall because the light of justice never shines. Hmmm, pretty clever huh?

Well it is to me. Maybe not to others, but it works for me. Like so many things. But then what can I say? It is part of the way life works for some of us.

Now if by chance you happen to be in the climate of thinking this is bad, that is okay. I understand.

You can feel free to savor that illusion. I will be more than happy to help you enjoy that fantasy as long as it fits your reality.

If by chance though you weaken for some reason and want to crawl over to the weak kneed side, then the invitation will always be open. It's okay we won't give away your secret either.

Oh I might require a bribe, but that is not too much to ask is it? Seems like a good arrangement to me.

But then I do try to respect such options as always having such a joyful need to give me a special reason to smile. It just doesn't take place when I want it to take place.

So I do have to occasionally invent the need for some form of diversion to make it all seem real. Which is part of the fun.


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