Monday, October 29, 2007


Well I do have to admit that goodness comes in different forms. And one that I cherish the most is when it is a good day.

Admittedly, I must confess that my idea of a good day might not agree with everyone. There is just something that gives smiles when it involves what I call the little things.

Oh I know there are the big dreams. You know where you win the lottery or get some other windfall that makes it very nice indeed.

But the problem is that those types of good days just don't happen when we like. They only happen when fate strikes.

We're talking about the same fate that loves to play sick jokes. Yeah, like giving you a flat tire when your spare is flat. And you can't fix the tire because it doesn't have enough tread left.

So you end up spending an hour at the tire store where some guy expects you to buy four tires. Yeah, that isn't my idea of a good day.

At least those don't happen every day either. Sadly they do happen far too often. And are more likely than with the times that you win the lottery.

That should not be translated to mean that more bad days happen that good 6nes. Which is not my desire to suggest.

It is just that our thermometer of expectation can be influenced so often by memories of the bad days more than the good days. So our eyes end up focusing in on only thinking in terms of seeing bad.

That is what we need to get set free from. To be able to find the good instead of the bad. It really isn't as rare as we assume.

Just we need to be able to look for it more. And that can be difficult if our minds are focused on expecting storms all the times.

Okay, maybe I'm getting a little preachy I guess. But methinks it needs to be said. Perhaps it won't cure you of seeing darkness all the time, but you might take a few seconds to look for the light along the way.

That is a good day in my mind. See it isn't as hard as we might imagine. You just have to be content to refocus your eyes.

Which is not always as easy as we hope. Only we can at times be sure if we don't let ourselves only see the part of life we think dominates. This is a battle we have to struggle with and hopefully we don't lose the wa


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