Saturday, November 03, 2007


Who would complain about this? Best normally doesn't inspired anger. Unless you are talking say where somebody else is having the best of times are your expense. That is does not inspire smiles for most of us.

At least is doesn't for me. I don't get all that excited when somebody else has a reason to be happy when I am left in pain.

Just doesn't work for me. Now if the situation is reverse, ahh, well that is different. I can get pretty darn excited when that is the option.

Now there are plenty of occasions when the best of times doesn't involve misery for somebody. And will actually end up being a source of joy for more than one person.

Those can be pleasant enough. But they don't seem to happen quite as often as I want. You know how it is, you start out with the hope that tonight will be the best of times. Then occasionally it gets all screwed up.

The dream date you thought was going to meet you at the motel cancelled. Stupid husband came home early from his business trip! That is not the best of times.

However, on the upside though is the fact of when say the secretary who went on his trip with him is left feeling lonely. So you get to comfort her instead. Ah that is called making the best of a bad situation.

So there are times when it truly is the best of times later. Providing his secretary is the kind to accept the best of times where there is no possible raise involve.

Ah those are the mysteries of life that make it fun. Always wondering if tonight will be a really great feast.

Oh believe me there have been plenty of situations where I've come that close to it being the best of times. So I do cherish them when the comes for it to be all good.

Course that doesn't happen in all situations, wish it did. My favorites are when I have a chance to either enjoy a nice motel meet or collect a bribe. And if I combine the two even better.

The times that are not the best of times are when say, I end up spending time with my wife. You know when neither of us has a motel rendezvous.

Thank god fate stepped in the other day. We almost ended up with dating each other. Man talk about other than a best of times.

Fortunately we did avoid that moment. Thanks to voice messages on a cell phone. Ah, itis the little things that count.


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