Thursday, November 01, 2007


Well, there are times when things don't work out and you do get rather sad. But it doesn't last because you can still smile knowing this isn't the end of the world. It wasn't a victory, but it wasn't the last inning of the game either.

Just a moment in between where you sort of learned when something didn't work. That is put in the category of a learning experience.

Perhaps not one we wanted, but one we have to live with just the same. And maybe that isn't all bad.

For if we learn in the process that is a good thing. Saving up the knowledge for the next time. Which is a blessing to be sure.

At least from my view. Maybe not everyone will feel that way, but some do. And that definitely works for me.

Providing it ends up with hope. That is the big key you understand. See you can smile if you can say someday. Just a little taste of knowing there will be a great time yet to be had.

Not that matters in terms of that given event you understand. For that is what truly matter is that you tried and will try again.

That is where the real test comes in. Because it is very hard to always keep up that image of the future being different.

And if you succeed even in a disaster that is a good thing. For that will truly make you have a reason to smile the next time things go wrong.

Which will happen. I am a believer in being positive. But also in being practical. That translates for me into not forgetting reality.

So you don't sit down and decide the bad will never happen again. You can do that if you want to be stupid.

For stupid is to smile like you never will stumble again in your entire life. Which to me is stupid.

So this a fine balance we have to achieve. Stumble and learn and then move on. With a smile if you can.

Which is better than a frown if you are prepared to say someday is a time come with both good and bad. Do that and you can smile.

Fail to do it and you'll just end up with less than a smile.


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