Tuesday, November 20, 2007



A wonderful comment. So ideal and thoughtful to imagine. Not very realistic to achieve though.

That is the hard part. Being able to bridge the gap in a good way. That is the part that we all have to work on.

Sounds great in theory. Can't say it works that way in reality. Though I do wish it were so.

But that is part of the joy we call our insanity. This process where we honestly take the time to focus on the need to think in terms of hope.

Which is how I view the word noble. It is the place were good things are suppose to happen.

Only since our desires get in the way, there is the problem that it will not quite live up to our expectations.

Wish it was otherwise. But it never is. Only I have the dreams it can be different. Just not the means to achieve it.

It is part of the way I see we need to find more of a means to work in the right direction. know I'm ready.

I just have to figure a way to make everyone else feel the same. Such is the nature of life. What a wonderful term.

I love that phrase, the nature of life. It sounds so wonderful. It might be even better if we didn't get lost in the process.

But that does happen way too often. Only we do find ways of improving if we can. To search for a method to say things will be noble.

All of this is such a nice option when we seek to make it as such. And perhaps that will be the joy we seek.

So far I haven't seen that to be the case. But it doesn't me that we can't hope. And perhaps we can really even reach it.

Not sure in this life time though. Just keep hoping that is all. Meanwhile, I work on tring to come close to noble.

That is where you don't screw up as much. Haven't quite found it to be the big solution some might prefer.

Just the one we hope will be true some times.


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