Saturday, November 17, 2007



Ah the joy of things that you don't have to worry about again. It is such a blessing. And who can dream of a better time that when a problem vanishes?

But then you never can say for sure when this will happen. That is the downside. Which is part of the detail that makes it less than a joy to look forward to.

So you dream. You end up settling for the joy of imagining. Sometimes this is a blessing, others it is not.

For me though I do savor when I can call this other than a fantasy. For it truly does give you a reason to smile.

Just never happens in the times you desire. So you have to wish for it more than experience it.

But that is okay, I do manage to find plenty of time for such activities. And why not? Regular live can be so boring if all you do is expect the usual.

So much more fun to find times for such distractions. It is all the joy that makes you have a reason to keep plotting for times when you can make this happen.

It is a joy I have to admit when I find time to pursue such activities. But that is part of what makes it all something you can justify as worthwhile adventures for the mind.

Which naturally is all a waste of time in the view of some. Not to me. For I'm in favor of anything that makes life have more smiles.

Might seem like I'm focused only on the smile thing. Honestly though isn't that a reality for some of us.

Meanwhile for the rest of the world life goes on. It floats along in pretty much the same current of thought.

I don't make the rules in that regard. I do admit that I have found myself working so hard on finding new ways to make this happen. Just don't find much success in that regard.

Still it is a joy when you can succeed at finding the precious times when misery evaporates. When you can enjoy the wonderful moment when the relief comes it makes up for all the pain when dullness rules.

You just can't buy that kind of happiness. It makes you so darned thrilled. Well it does for me.

And that is what counts. Can't say it does for everyone. But it does in my situation. And that is enough to make it all satisfying.


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