Monday, September 17, 2007


Doesn't this sound like such a wonderful thing? Not to me. I think it is stupid.
After all, who in their right mind thinks this is a good thing?

Basically to me this is where people are refusing to do something and end up being so lazy that they refuse to stand up for the protest. Like it will make them sick or something. That is so helpful from my point of view.

Yeah, I want those lazy jerks to get off of their behinds and have to do some work. Come on make this strike business something that makes them think about it a little.

I want those folks to feel the consequences of this strike thing to the bone. I want them to truly grasp how such things cause problems.

After all this is America and we know that means the right to express oneself. The also doesn't mean you do so in an intelligent or sane manner.

No, no, no. That will never do. We can't expect it to mean that we can actually have what we want.

Nope, that just doesn't work that way. Instead we have to deal with the joys of our ideals. Those are the things where we put more value on principles that practical issues.

A nice theory. Only it doesn't pay the bills. And some where in the middle of everything we manage to try and figure out what is important.

Only none of us agrees on that part. So instead we come up with this wonderful option of deciding how we can survive another feast of what the heck? That's what I call getting pissed with life and finding someone to blame.

Life is such a wonderful parade of questions. We do the best we can with it. And sometimes we even manage to think in positive terms.

Not always you understand. That will never do. Nope, instead we need little events like this kind of sit down business to inspire more insanity.

And sometimes that works. Others that doesn't. But that will not say we actually bother to tell the truth either.

It all comes down to the joy of another day in the world of happy. Well happy in the sense of what we want to believe it true.

And that is so wonderful. A joy to behold depending on whom you ask. As for me, well I like to think in terms of it being my way. That all figures in there somewhere. Not sure where, but somewhere.

Which all works for me. Like most things.


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