Wednesday, June 27, 2007


The basic rule for me on this is that if you are going to pretend, it better be big and impressive. There is just something that truly enhances the quality of a lie when you make it over the top.

People just assume thank goodness if you are making it sound that incredible you must be telling the truth. Now the exception here is making sure it is something actually believable.

If you start talking about the impossible that is a different story. You can't go around talking about something like aliens and get believed.

So the first rule is make it credible. It might sound amazing, but that is okay. Which I truly enjoy.

See you can lie your ass off and as long as it make sense, you're safe. Add one thing that makes it stupid and impossible and they will not believe it.

Now I realize that to some this might seem like a waste of time to even talk about. Those are normally the ones I enjoy talking to the most since they are the ones who often fall for such comment.

It is just so much fun to work with the ones who think they are genius at knowing everything. Because they are the ones who are often the dumbest.

Ah, it is such sweet perfection to let this little time flow when idiots bloom as flowers of satire that we all can savor for its humor. Hmmm, guess I've been hanging around my keyboard too much.

Anyway, I am totally content with my attitude on this. In fact I'm totally content with most anything where I get my way. And the things I don't well, that is what pretending is for.

As for the big part, well, I say go for it. Yeah, why not. Okay so you fall on your face, so what? I mean let's face it, if you are going to buy it buddy, then make it worth it.

That is what counts. Just come on, take a chance and risk it all. If you take that gamble and blow it, you'll know it was worth it.

However, if you bomb, and it was for something petty, then you'll hate yourself for it. And what the heck since you will lie about it anyway, all the better.

See now doesn't that make you feel better? Yeah, come on, be a jerk and be proud of it. Because you can depend on the fact that everyone else is doing the same.

And if not, shhhh, it will be our little secret.


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