Friday, June 29, 2007


Why is it everything that balance should count for never seems to be in balance? Try dealing with expecting the government to have a balance budget sometime. Yeah, that will happen.

Then there is the ever popular issue of things like a balanced diet. Ahem, good for you, but who does it? Come on be honest.

I think the only time we worry about a balanced diet is when it comes to say balancing a pizza box on our head so our hands our free to hold other crap. It doesn't keep us from saying it is a good thing.

Oh there are so many other areas were balance is really important to me. Like with say, tires. We all know they need to be in balance. At least the tire people tell us it is important.

And you can pretty much be aware that no matter how many times you have your tires balanced they will need it again. Even if they don't you will need it just the same.

Now in keeping with this marvelous deal the other aspect of in balance is with life itself. Oh man let me tell you if there is one area that life never gets in balance it is our behavior. But it sure sounds good.

You know, get plenty of exercise, eat right, save your money, don't fool around and always tell the truth. Yeah, we all are going to seek that kind of balance to life.

Well maybe in the movies at least. In real life, forget it. There is no way that we will try that hard to keep our lives in balance if it means we have to stop having fun.

You can forget that option. Grease will win out over sweat any day of the week. But then I'm just being honest.

Not sure everyone enjoys that kind of honesty. And if they do seek truth, we sure don't want the kind that makes us crave any changes that might make us other than have a good time.

So balance is a commendable choice. But not if it makes you miserable. Like that old saying, "all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy."

I sure don't like dullness. However, I don't like work either. So my motto is "all play and no work, makes everything okay."

You may quote me naturally. If you dare. I will deny it if needed though. If that means I might get in trouble.

Ah the little things are always so touching.


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