Saturday, June 30, 2007


It my mind these two totally go together. If you don't have any bucks you are going to be neglected.

People can talk all they want about the importance of caring for others, but you know what, it is just for appearance sake. I know people will take issue with that.

And I say let them. I don't mind people creating all those tales of charity they love to banter around. Works great. Dumb, but sounds good.

Really, I hate to be cruel or something here, but honestly, I think in reality most of the time people are not going to the truth. See, I start from the simple premise that in truth we all are greedy rats.

You can talk all you want about noble spirits and such, but as a rule people will react to bucks quicker that anything else. So if you got them you get attention.

And if you don't, well we will do lunch as long as you're buying. See I never mind giving people attention if they are paying for it.

Actually, that is my basic attitude in general I have to confess. The ones with bucks and power will get my attention because I hope to get something in the process.

For the ones without that kind of clout, well if you have plastic that is not maxed out, then great. Otherwise hit the road.

Hey, should I just take time to pretend here? Would that be better. I say forget it! Come on kids, let's get real.

I know that is a terrible attitude in the minds of some, but at least I'm being honest. At least to the degree it applies to me.

However, I prefer to be practical. I shall spare myself the agony of expounding on the impossible.

That is what I call it when you expect perfection. Or even goodness to always exist. A touching taste of lunacy, but not reality.

And after all, you do have to cope with reality. Well we can lie about it naturally. We all do in one way or another.

But for me, ah gee, I don't know, it is just more fun to accept the obvious in human nature. Gives me such satisfaction.

Then I can dart off to lunch and celebrate the goodness of mankind. With enough booze i can actually believe it till I sober up.


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