Wednesday, July 04, 2007


Bet you haven't heard somebody say this before? Oh yeah, happy is not what we call it is it? Now maybe you have. Which is great if you have. Well, hopefully you think it was great.

Can't say for sure though in terms of other people. Just for me. And let me tell you I haven't said it that I can remember.

I have expected it from others. Yeah, it is a double standard. What about it? I mean I have the right to expect such a response from somebody who is looking to you the civil servant to solve their problem.

I mean honestly, we serve all the public. And that makes it hard to focus on one person. So there are times when we can't truly stop what we are doing just to take care of one person's needs immediately. It is just how it works.

I didn't say I celebrate this reality, merely that is it part of what I have to do. And you have to deal with it accordingly.

But that doesn't mean people necessarily enjoy it. They just do this thing of getting upset when you deal with their problem in a realistic timing.

Which naturally never enters into people's thinking. Not the way I would like. I mean you would think knowing we are even listening would be enough.

But that just never quite works for some. So you end up being forced into trying to help them chill a bit.

I had even thought of something like you know hiring a clown to entertain. Then I gave it some thought and realized I didn't even need to do that.

Why waste the money hiring some clown when all I had to do was let my people just be themselves. The challenge was finding some way of making their antics more entertaining.

But I am working on improving that problem. Just haven't quite got all the details worked out.

However, I do have plenty of time to work on it at least. You know that is easy when they are already partially there.

Just a matter of pushing them over the edge I guess. Perhaps getting them a nice clown mask to try.

Or some floppy shoes. I would love one of those cars that fits a dozen clowns. Maybe I'll see if a file cabinet will work.


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