Monday, June 25, 2007


Confidence is a good thing. Over confidence is an accident waiting to happen. It is to me being stupid too.

See the big problem with success is forgetting when it comes from hard work and when it is just dumb luck. Not being able to tell the difference can result in the difference between more success and a disaster waiting to happen.

I've seen it too many times. You get some temporary string of victories and suddenly thing you are invincible. Which no one is.

Just doesn't keep some from thinking they are. Then when you finally have a loss, you lie about it. Oh it was a fluke, no problem. It won't happen again.

But of course it does. Because you really didn't cause the victory in the first place. Only, being able to admit it can be tough.

And the inability to do so has sunk more than one ship of dreams. Which is not a good thing, because most people traveling that ship do not bother to include any life boats or life preservers. I waxing by metaphor if you will excuse me.

To me the essential deal in this situation is believe it or not being honest. Now I didn't say it was with other people. No, no, no, no, no.

But with yourself absolutely! You must be willing to face your reality. To the point of at least knowing how you can either improve it or change it.

I know it is an odd situation. Seeing the need I advocate for lying to others. But what you are doing that for is to protect the truth you don't want them to know about.

Okay, my rules you understand. Not others. But that is what I have to deal with in order to survive. And if you do not survive I don't care if you can claim to be the current champion of whatever.

So oddly as it might I do have a need for honesty. Not enough to get myself in trouble. Just enough to merit keeping me balance to the point that I can effectively cheat.

Yep, I said cheat. Okay another fracture in the seam of reality I suppose, but an important one.

You just know that it really is a way I have to use to balance things in my view. A way to be sure I don't end up with an unnecessary losing streak.

And that is what I care to avoid no matter what. Sometimes more than others. Like if the price of losing is too costly. But then I would prefer not to say anything that might incriminate myself.


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