Wednesday, June 20, 2007


There are different ways this word has meaning, but for me it is related to the mind. That is the curse of thinking only seeing things in limited possibilities.

Itsy bitsy thinking is different from negative thinking. With negative thinking people can't imagine any hope or opportunity. However, with itsy bitsy thinking you do see a way for things to improve, but only very slowly and on a small scale.

These are people who just are a little too afraid to really dream. So instead they will simply only think in terms of the least amount of effort necessary to accomplish whatever.

Now the problem is on the surface an itsy bitsy thinking can honesty seem like an optimist. You can chat with them and get the impression they like change.

Oh they will impress with all the right words and emotion. Only later you find out they don't really plan on actually committing to the idea they are talking about.

Yeah, that is when you find out they aren't going to actually do anything all that helpful. And let me tell you it is often the worst time to discover it too.

Complicating this whole process is when people change. They can be an optimist or even pessimists. So you start out presuming they will act a given way.

Then later you find out they are totally different. And it isn't so bad if they go from say pessimist to optimist, which is rare, but others they go from pessimist to itsy bitsy, which definitely is not all that much help.

And naturally through it all you have to sit and speculate. You can't truly plan a decent strategy because you never be sure of the consequences.

All of which is my way of saying, you just never know. And you can never think what you know today will work tomorrow.

That is the part that really matters. You have to be careful to never become too arrogant in thinking you have everyone all figured out.

This is called being humbled. In some cases it is a matter of avoiding being too boring. Because nobody wants to hear the words about this from somebody who acts like a know it all.

All in fun actually. Such a great moment in life we can all cherish. Sometimes it makes life expand others suck. But as long as it doesn't take you into the vacuum of thinking you are seeing life perfect and in reality you are just another itsy bitsy thinking then cool. If you become one, well sorry, I don't think we will be having lunch anytime soon. You'l just have to itsy bitsy yourself later.


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