Thursday, June 21, 2007


This is not a request in case you were thinking I was looking for such kinds of help. Honestly I have plenty of cockroach types to deal with in my life now.

What I'm talking about is being the kind of bug that is helpful. An insect who feast upon the crap I deal with every day.

Kind of hard too many types who will truly volunteer for that kind of option. It isn't like you can expect to find very many who think spending time messing with your crap is their life's ambition.

But once and a while you do find that rare soul. And when you do, man are you grateful. Providing they end up actually doing what you hope they would do.

Sometimes they do disappoint though. That I will admit. Those are not moments you savor with real gusto.

Not that I complain when the person wimps out. I mean I figure the person is more than a little crazy to have agreed in the first place.

So needless to say I don't through a fit if they suddenly find their brain and figure that they don't want to be stupid any longer. It is a real tragedy in terms of having the benefit of a pure grunt to do the worst things imaginable.

However, I have improved the turnover ratio considerably by making sure I don't let the person discover how crappy the job is sooner than necessary. If you ease the person into the stuff sometimes they really can be seduced into not quitting for quite a while.

One of the best methods naturally is to use some form of stall method. It works really well at times with things like raises and changes.

I love words like review periods. And if you work it right, you can tell the person the review policy changed and then the period for reviews was extended. Basically it is all baloney to avoid giving the person a raise.

There are other options naturally too. Things like when the person orders some supplies. You tell them the supply form has been changed. Then you point out how the new forms are currently unavailable.

Now if you are really good you can also suggest the person buy the supplies themselves and submit and expense report. Then you let them know that expense reimbursement only happens once a month.

In the meantime you submit the expense report with adjusted numbers to give some extra for yourself. Paying them eventually. Not rush naturally.
Ah life is so much fun when you have the right kind of bug me to avoid the other kind that really bugs you.


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