Tuesday, June 19, 2007


Oh my, the moments when pure dementia possess the soul. Just that little hint of madness that takes over the mind and suddenly things that gross you out sound wonderful.

Kind of like that urge to suddenly fart in a theater during a great movie. Ah come on tell me the thought had never occurred to you.

Well even if you are going to claim you haven't thought in those terms, if you are honest at all I'm sure you've had at least one whim of dementia in your life. If not, well, not sure if I admire you or feel sorry for you.

As for myself, I guess I just spend so much time having to toil at acting normal I just have the moments when I feel a need to vent. You know strip off the mask of conformity and actually embrace the side of my life that is totally tacky.

It is so hard as a Mayor to get a chance to do that. How often I crave the need to have those special moments when I don't have to act like some pillar of sanity.

Now come on folks you have to appreciate how this would matter to a guy like me. Most of my life is illusion.

I have to pretend being the perfect husband and boy is that a fantasy, a confident and faithful servant of the public, which I sort of do when I don't have my finger in the city's coffers and a paragon of morals as well as family values. I won't even pretend to come close on that one.

So can you really blame me for wanting some precious time to let my brain down? Just the rare occasion when I don't have to act like the world doesn't suck and is totally insane.

Of course sanity does have to prevail you understand. However, it doesn't mean that I can't long for the times that I can be free just the same.

The challenge is find them without too many occasions of looking stupid. Being embarrassed is not the prize I'm groping for in this situation.

And so finding a nice balance between what is acceptable and what is gross is just hard to achieve. I do manage at times.

Naturally the best occasions occur when I am able to do something totally gross and blame somebody else. Always have to avoid those temptations to snicker though.

Perhaps that is the hardest part though. Not letting the release of tacky end up being obvious to others.

Oh well, that is something I work on when I'm in the mood. Which is most of the time.


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