Friday, June 15, 2007


The one thing you can count on with life is pay day will not come when you want it to come. It will always arrive late and be less than you want.

I don't care if you make a huge income, it will never be enough. Haven't met anyone so far that felt they were over paid.

We sure will feel cheated though if we the pay check is late. That is one thing you absolutely can guarantee will upset somebody, if their cheek is not on time. It might be small, but if you don't pay them on time, on man we're talking disaster.

So never on payday means plain and simple whatever you do, don't screw with my check! A very special golden rule. And it means if there is gold involved don't mess up!

In any event there is more to this believe it or not than that simple issue. That is from my point of view.

I want you to consider the power this really represents. You don't have to actually without somebody's paycheck. You just create the illusion of it possible being late.

Or in my case I can go around and toss out things like budget shortages leading to possible cutbacks. Oh yeah that really will snag some person's joy.

See the thing is if you make just the right comment you can totally ruin a person's joy on payday. You don't have to resort to any disgusting threats, just leave the illusion that there might be some disruption on the future paydays. That is normally enough to ruin a person's day.

Essentially this based upon the prevailing theory that most people live from paycheck to paycheck. I think that pretty much describes the majority.

When a person does have that kind of situation, then anything that risks that the fantasy of security really does create a special sense of hell. Which is so wonderful for me.

I can't remember the times when I was pissed at some employee and casually strolled around the day before payday. Then I created the idea that something might take place to eventually cause a change in paychecks for the worse.

Naturally the strategy here is to do this the day before so it will ruin even the anticipation of having a good payday. The whole time they will be stressed out over the impending crisis, which naturally doesn't even exist.

Only they don't know that you understand. Which is the whole point. It's just my way of being sure no employee has even the opportunity for payday without a chance for me to let them smile unless I want them to. Yeah, it does suck, but then why should payday be any different than the rest of life?


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