Sunday, June 03, 2007


Now there is a difference between being happy and being insane. Sometimes it might be hard to appreciate how they are different when it comes to feeling good, but there is a difference.

And as a rule where I live it is hard enough to even find the happy level, so I don't worry too much about the over the top kind of happy. At least most of the time.

Then it happens. I run into one of those. Which is what I call those sick people who seem to get joy from everything.

Now that is happiness taken to extreme. It is when a person simply can't gauge happiness from what ought to make you unhappy.

The first clue is their smile. It looks like it has been surgically implanted. Which even if it wasn't would make you puke from being so sugary.

But beyond that is the absurdity of trying to be happy when you feel so crappy. Now never works for me or anyone else I know that is reasonably intelligent and sane.

That to me doesn't not include putting on a happy face when you feel crappy or are down right unhappy. I'm sorry, but that doesn't work for me.

And frankly I don't think it works for them either. But they will never admit it. Nope that would be too easy.

It is much more fun to sit down and look stupid while pretending you never get upset and actually enjoy everything. Yeah, I call that being stupid.

Fortunately, such sick people just are in limited supply in my city. I would dread the idea if they were to multiply.

If that happen, I think I would have to get creative in order to survive. I would probably have to figure a way of encouraging them to work in another city.

As long as they only had to stay in the city at night that would help out. I mean I would prefer if they didn't move out of the city. Would hate to give up the tax base.

Just as long as they didn't have to be around the rest of the time then it would work. However, I guess I am grateful that most of the time I'm spared that issue.

But there are the occasions no matter how rare that come around. When that takes place, I let my mind drift to those great fantasies of life without such headaches. And sometimes it works better than others.

Meanwhile, life goes on. If I'm really lucky, without the happy face nuts.


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