Thursday, May 31, 2007


These are those rare times when you get what you want. It isn't always when you want it, but it always welcomed when it happens.

True, there can be on occasions that make you groan, but ah it is so worth it during the good times. Just to bad they don't happen all the time.

From my view these are often the consequence of fate. Or perhaps luck would be a better term in this case.

At least that is how I prefer to view it. Oh yeah, these are pure cases of dumb luck. Like say you are tooling down the road and there are no cars anyway close by. Then you come across this car with a flat tire. And the driver happens to be a young gorgeous blonde who will show her gratitude for any help. (sigh) Alas those don't happen that often. Wish they did.

In fact that has never happen to me. But you can be sure I would sure wish I could if possible.

In any case you know, I'm coping with that fantasy and once and a while I tend to cruise down the freeway in hopes of seeing a needy damsel in distress. So far the only thing I've seen is some short fat dude who could change his own flat tire as far as I'm concerned.

Meanwhile, back to the joy of on occasion. The wonderful thing is when pure dumb luck comes your way.

You just keep hoping something allowed for it. As if you got it for being worthy. Naturally, that is a joke.

If I got what I truly deserved all the time, I would definitely be in big trouble. Fortunately, that doesn't happen most times to me.

However, I do love to concentrate on this joy of the on occasions when it does work in my favor. There are plenty that I have a reason to actually look forward to them.

Only you just can't say when. That is the big problem. There is no way of determining the when part.

Trust me I wish there was. But that's okay, I still happy when on occasion does happen. And if it takes place when I'm in a good mood, even better.

That is because I get to lie about it and that makes it even better. I just thrive on that fun. The perfect excuse and seduction that makes us different from other forms of life. Well at least we can't tell if they are lying about it. Probably are and we just have no idea. So I can lie about that too, on occasion.


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