Wednesday, May 30, 2007


Does this really ever just happen without it being planned? I know in my life the only ones that just drop by are my relatives when they want something. And you can be sure it won't ever be to give me something.

Unless you were talking about a bill for something they bought. Now that would definitely happen.

I guess the thing is from my view that essentially we are all for the most part selfish little plotting gnomes. I know that is a negative view, but only if you think of that as a bad thing.

Personally, I regard it as a tribute to man's talents and abilities. While other, less intelligent species only know how to survive and love instinctively, we by virtue of our superior brains have made life easier. We figured out if we can lie and steal something instead of working for it we are better off.

Like I said, I see this as a good thing. For I regard it as a compliment to the basic essence of the human spirit that comprehends the necessity of always facing life as a challenge.

You see you don't have to be positive or negative to appreciate that aspect of being. For in life we don't get to savor what we want without such elements in our thinking.

Whether you expect a positive outcome or a negative, you still have to react to your environment. That all reduces down in my thinking to all of us having ulterior motives to our actions, even if we don't admit it.

Which I think essentially translates into appreciating that when somebody comes by to see me that I wasn't expecting, they are not there just to say hi. Nor are they worried about my well being.

Unfortunately, the reality is for many people, they don't want to accept this fact. It just is too unflattering to the fantasies we prefer to think constitute life. So instead we make excuses for our gluttony of indulgence. And all those silly little plans we contrive for our own benefit, but claim are otherwise.

None of which is anything I seek to change. I just would prefer if it were more related to honesty.

Essentially, I would think it would be so much more helpful if we could tell the truth and know the other person also embraced this fact. Then it would make things truly more fun.

We could call up whoever and say, "hey buddy, I'm dropping by to tell you a bunch of big fat lies before I get a chance to ask you for something to suck you dry." Then it would be so much more fun to reward according to how clever the comment end up being. Now that would be entertainment.


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