Sunday, May 27, 2007


In my mind this involves anything you love that has consequences. So you enjoy it, but hate what happens afterwards.

I'm speaking of situations such as when you can't avoid wanting something, such as dessert, but know later it will probably add inches to your waste line. Only you want the dessert so much you don't worry about that reality.

Which regrettably includes way to many things in life. I wish it didn't. But is does seem to be the things that really satisfy our passions just aren't good for us in the long run.

Not that it keeps us from indulging. Heaven forbid that we exercise such restraint. It would be sane, but not in the least fun.

Therein lies the struggle we have. We want what we want, but if it isn't in any way safe, healthy or legal, then you can be sure we want it even more.

Isn't it a pity that those who are the crusaders of morality don't have a better appreciation for this problem. That is not the issue they want to deal with.

And for me as a Mayor it is even a bigger problem. Basically because I have to pretend to care about the morality issue while at the same time remaining popular enough to get reelected. Now that is definitely not that easy.

Because you can be sure that the businessmen who are expecting certain accommodations from me do not in anyway bother to savor the idea of guilt. Which from my view is what the whole issue of morality is about.

My philosophy to be sure, but you can also know I'm not alone in that regard. Because if there is one thing I have come to understand it is that when it comes to a choice between making a buck and ethics, there is no contest.

Frankly, I don't even worry about it either. I just am content to do my part to keep the whole hypocrisy ship afloat without it sinking. And that takes a lot of practice on my part.

Okay, it takes a lot of lies to. I have to tell some really big fat lies in order to satisfy so many.

That way I have the blessings of those who want good stuff that is really boring since it is only good in terms of no consequences and the things, which really are good. Those two items make a big difference in dealing with people in general.

In the end it translates into a joy that I do my best to make sure both groups see me as part of the good things. And if I work it right they don't end up with knowing the crappy consequences since I lie about them too.


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