Saturday, May 26, 2007


Doesn't seem like a lot does it? Just one dollar more is never enough to keep people from buying something.

It is sort of the thinking with the ninety nine cent deal isn't it? If you say ninety-nine and not one dollar the person doesn't think of it as a dollar more, even though it really is.

My point is naturally that when you are talking about something like people's thinking you can often get them to agree to something if you phrase it right. We can be such predictable people.

Wherein lies my particular premise in terms of you know the issue of my dealing with some people. You know being aware of what they will accept and what they wont.

Most people for example hate taxes. They definitely don't enjoy paying them in any way. That you can count on.

But you can get them to give to charity at times, providing it means they get a tax deduction. So giving to charity it good, taxes are bad.

Now in the end, with both you end up spending money, but with one you have hope you are going to get part of it back. Nice thinking huh?

So what I like to do is make people feel that giving taxes is a kind of act of charity. It can be a tough sale, but trust me I do the best I can to make it sound that way.

Course when I can managed it I always like to show off some needy person that will be helped by the fund raising. That is another fabulous option to the word taxes that sometimes works really great.

People seem to understand the idea of needing funds to help people. And that isn't always a bad thing.

But there are times when some get picky about such things. They get so troublesome. Like expecting me to explaining how the money is being spent.

Can you imagine they just won't take my word for that. Which is so sad. I mean I work hard a coming up with good lies to tell them and that is the reward I get.

Well I'll tell you that doesn't work for me that is for sure. I never enjoy having my credibility questioned.

True, they have every reason to need to question it at times since I lie so much, but it doesn't mean I enjoy having them know that part. So in the process once and a while, I even manage to squeeze that one dollar more out of people and they feel good about it. I do too when I end up putting it in my pocket.


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