Sunday, May 27, 2007


For me this is things you love to do that end up backfiring on you. Trust me that doesn't in anyway make you smile.

And the worse thing is that you start out thinking this is going to be great. Then by the time you realize it is going to be a disaster it is too late. You just end up having no choice, but to be pissed off.

For myself, I wish that you know I had a way to somehow be sure I never in anyway made a mistake in that regard. It would be so wonderful to always know before hand that something worked.

However, I don't have benefit of a reliable crystal ball. I did know a gal once who claimed to have one, but then I found out later, she also claimed to own a herd of pink rhinos so you can appreciate that didn't improve her credibility.

So outside of that option, I'm stuck with the usual option of having to face a gamble anytime I plan on doing something fun. Oh some gambles aren't as bad as others. You can always know when you are planning something less than exciting, which dull and boring people think is fun it will most likely not create any problems.

It is only when you want to do something really exciting and actually worth the time you find out it will probably end up a disaster. Just one of those regrettable rules of life that I've learned to tolerate.

Which does require some very creative efforts to have fun that doesn't end up with some regret. And so as a matter of information I thought I would share my experience.

First of all the most important rule on this is never and I mean never take the advice of a known dullard. And trust me they are easy to spot.

All you have to do is talk to them once and a while and you will find out in five minutes they have no real clue on what real fun is about. If they mention television reruns, twilight dinners at budget diners or the joy of fast food, you know they are beyond help in the fun department.

Not that any of those things are necessarily bad. It is just they aren't necessarily good either. That is in terms of what will make me happy.

And that is the criteria I am most preoccupied with from my view. In fact the fun that ends up pissing me off the most is when I do have to cope with some jerk of a person who sucks at fun.

Which I am learning to recognize. I still have my problems in that regard. There are some really good fun phonies out there. Way too many. And you never realize who they are at times till they hand you a two for one dinner at some cheap diner.


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