Friday, May 25, 2007


Come on tell me you wouldn't love to own a politician. You know it would be great. Having a chance to personally own an elected official for fun and profit.

Sound disgusting? Make your snarl out of anger of the very idea? Well, for those who want to believe that elected officials shouldn't be for rent, then perhaps you ought to just keep your eyes closed. That way you can find the place you want to live where fantasy is reality and politicians are good guys with morals.

I'm not trying to suggest that ALL politicians are as crooked as I am. I'm just suggesting that I do have competition.

Okay, I realize that this is not they way politics is suppose to work. An elected official ought to honestly represent the people. Nice theory of course.

Now, having said all of that, I want to purpose a more practical and realistic approach. I mean let's face it, can we ever expect our system to live up to our expectations? Of for that matter can any system actually achieve some realistic level of perfection?

My view is no. And I think history will support that point of view. Mainly because we know nothing is perfect. So how come we think that rule doesn't apply to politicians? Do we really think we can wave some magic wand and they will forget who they are in reality? Nice idea, just not even close to what will really work.

Which is why I prefer to think it would benefit everyone if we changed our philosophy to some degree. You know let the politicians be open minded to idea of allowing anyone with the means and creativity to entertain an elected official with a chance for some special favor.

Will this somehow improve the issue of equality? I never said it would. I'm merely saying it would eliminate the need to pretend there is equality.

And that for me would be a good thing. Hey, when you consider it, if politicians were really able to charge for favoritism imagine the fun they could have at coming up with competitive prices?

See I bet you never thought of that did you? Just imagine being able to go through a catalogue and have the thrill of picking out the favor you needed at a price you could afford.

Now that to me would be far more beneficial than our current method. Which is far more confusing and less than beneficial.

I reckon there are some who think this is tacky. So go ahead and keep dreaming about living in some fairy tale society where good always wins out over evil. For the rest of us, I'll met you down at the bar where we can discuss prices. I'll even buy the first round.


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