Monday, May 21, 2007


This is so wonderful when you can know you screwed up, but so did everyone else. Somehow it just feels so good to know you are not alone in the world at being stupid.

Of course that doesn't mean you escape the consequences you understand. Now if you could do that it would really be wonderful.

But it never works out that way. So we have to content ourselves when the world falls around our knees that somehow it isn't a complete disaster.

Which leads to the usual could be worse scenarios. These are followed by the predictable in a different situation anyone would make the same mistake.

Does any of that improve life? Probably not, but you do think it might and that is what counts the most.

Meanwhile, the fun part is doing what you can to try and imagine how you can make sure this doesn't happen again. That is always a fun exercise.

It never changes reality you understand. It always leaves things screwed up. But as long as you can invent enough lies to make it seem like change will take place then it is a good thing.

Personally, I enjoy the duck and cover method. Find somewhere you can hide as long a possible from such humiliation.

At least till your lies about everyone making same bonehead move actually become believable. It all is so wonderful as a method of fun.

Well, at least I think of it as wonderful. Which is probably the biggest problem. Too many people lack their sense of humor to look at such things in an uplifting and thoughtful way.

So if you can massage them into thinking it is all cool and okay we are capable of bonehead thinking then that is half the battle. Again that is providing you can accomplish it.

Alas the tricky part is not being able to do this when you want. Pissed off and embarrassed people have trouble always smiling. Sometimes they just can't cope.

Which makes it so tough to get them to sit back, relax and find it all something to enjoy. They just can't savor the moment.

But I try my best to get them to focus better in that regard. Which is where you have to use the method of getting them to see how it is somebody who acts so stupid by not dealing with things with a sense of humor. Sometimes it even works.


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