Sunday, April 01, 2007


Boy does this have a fun meaning or what? I'm telling you, there is no joy more complete and fulfilling than inspiring such a wonderful sense of void to a person's esteem.

The tricky part you understand is making sure you don't do this in a way that makes the other person know you are doing this on purpose. That carries with it a risk of them getting pissed. As if they will want to rip your heart out for the very thought.

Nope, the only way to have this work is to be sure the person thinks you care about them. A few sincerely lies always helps in that regard.

Oh yeah, you just look them in the eyes and express concern over their sadness. If you work it right, then no problem.

You can just pretend you want to help. Oh in reality you're drooling at the prospect of it ending with the person feeling their guts is being ripped out.

But if you work it right, by the time you finish chatting with the person, then you can smile while the person crawls off in search of a rock under which to hide. Now that's really magic.

Of course it is absolutely essential that a person never know when you hate their guts. If they in any way suspect you are piss or unhappy they will be darn sure they will not respond as desired.

So my approach is to be sure I never let the person know I think they are an enemy. And some people are so stupid they actually think you can stab somebody in the back and they will say thank.

It really is such a joy when I can muster such happiness and thrills while letting my tongue do all the work. Give me such a warm feeling on the inside.

Actually, the most annoying challenge is coping with the person who already feels useless. That just never works as a form of competition. There's no challenge when the person is already bleeding.

And it is even more difficult if you don't hate the person. I mean despite my basic heartless nature, I still don't find much pleasure in giving pain to people who already manage it for themselves.

It just doesn't inspire to try and cut some guy's throat who is too busy using a knife on himself. The big question is whether or not you can manage to decide if you want to leave the person in that state or make them feel better.

God, I hate when I have to be nice and encourage someone. Just doesn't have the same fell of joy as when you are ripping a person's heart out.


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