Monday, April 02, 2007


This is wonderful advice providing the person offering it isn't holding out a glass of something bubbling and has a bottle of poison behind them. That isn't a means to a headache remedy I wish to know about.

Outside of that option, normally I like to thing such help is truly well intentioned. At least most of the time.

One does have t be practical in that regard. Common sense is very useful. For example if you are dealing with some person wearing an overcoat in the middle of the summer and holding onto what looks like a night in his pocket, don't ask. Take this is not a good choice in such situations.

On the other hand if say some young voluptuous lady comes up to me with a take this look, I'll probably be more than happy to take whatever. Unless it turns out to involve ice picks and blindfolds. Then forget it.

Which I suppose is my central point in all of this. Take this is a presumption to some degree. A person deciding what is good for somebody else.

That isn't always a bad thing though. It can be very beneficial if the person truly knows you. But if they don't and think they do then you have a problem.

There is nothing more annoying than having to cope with helpful people who are anything, but helpful. Honestly, it is a real pain in the butt.

And the worse thing is that since they thing they are doing you a favor, they do not in any way think that what they are doing is the least bit wrong. Instead they will get all hurt and upset if you dare to suggest they aren't being helpful.

Oh yeah, you can count on that. You dare to suggest that in some way they might be best off giving some serious thought to the idea that take that only works if you are really giving the other person what they really want to take.

I sort of said that before, but I felt it was worth repeating. After all, if there were more people who didn't want to be less than thoughtful none of this would be necessary.

I just accept that this isn't the option in some cases. The more the person does you a favor, the less they will smile if they decide to be kind to you in a stupid way.

Try explaining to somebody who thinks you are indebted to them for life that they really aren't helping by giving you leftovers of some kind. The nice thing is that if you work it right, you can manage to get them to think you appreciate their help.

Oh it might be tough to be convincing when you are wincing, but with the right of practie and lies it can work.


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