Friday, April 06, 2007


People love the concept of fairness. I personally don't find it that often, but it sounds wonderful in theory.

From my view something can only be fair if it means the person handling it is capable of having nor prejudices. Never met a person yet that didn't like some things and hate others. Just part of human nature.

We simply are born loving certain things and hating others. And if somebody happens to end up with a specific dislike that makes them blind in terms of a given fairness, hey it happens.

But for some absurd reason we think, like with fantasies such as utopia ideas, that there is a chance we can actually find fairness. I lump it in the same box with things like finding the fountain of youth.

Oh it would be wonderful if you could, but we know you will never find it. For me that is how I treat the idea of fairness.

Don't get me wrong, fairness is a wonderful theory. It would mean naturally from my view that everyone should have a chance to get what they want in a given situation.

I'm sure people will take issue with that position, but in reality, no matter what you are talking about, if you end up with the short end of the stick, fair is not the way you feel about it. Instead you are left when you lose out pretending to be a good sport and be happy for the person who did win.

Only deep down, your pissed. And even if you don't say it, you never end up being happy with the results.

Personally, if it were up to me, I would be glad to take care of this issue. Let's do away with things like rights, freedoms, even laws. Yeah, you read that right.

Then we just have a lottery and draw a certain number of winners. Those people get to do almost anything they want for a day or maybe a week.

Okay, that is just a work in process. I admit that. But I definitely think it has potential if we have the resolve to deal with it.

That is the problem with being a visionary. Not everyone accepts or can see the vision. They just prefer to go what or huh when you show them a beautiful sunrise.

To me such people are lacking a brain or a soul or both. Course, I got rid of my soul long ago. Well I sort of pawn it. Just in case I need it later.

For now, I prefer to not let it interfere with my efforts to enjoy my version of fairness. Which is where I do things that are fair to me.


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