Tuesday, April 03, 2007


Not sure if their is a consummate definition of a geek. I have my own interpretation you understand.

And for the purposes of this posting I will make the effort to give such a definition. For me there is a subtle difference between a geek and a nerd.

A nerd is somebody who finds fun in crap that is dull and boring. They can just be content enjoy doing things like the laundry. Yeah, it needs to be done, but who drools over it?

But that is how I few a nerd. Basically people with a low threshold for pleasure that are content thinking dull is cool.

As for a geek. Well too me that is someone that loves having a good time, but in a really weird way.

We're talking about people that would regard collecting flies to be a good hobby. I suppose that would work for some people.

It just doesn't work for me. I don't find it the least bit entertaining. And frankly I would rather not spend any time hanging with those who do love such obsessions.

Now nerds I will tolerate. Normally because they have their moments of sanity. I can live with hearing them talk about their sock drawer tales of reorganization.

Which is better than hearing some guy who is dressed like he slept in his clothes over night talking about they joys of sewer fishing. I don't even want to hear about what kind of fish they caught.

At least they don't bring in any pictures. That is the big drawback to dealing with the nerds.

For the nerds always have pictures. And sometimes they are out of focus. Which in a way is a good thing. Because it really is no big deal to have see them that way if it happens to be a photo of their gold fish.

Fortunately, nerds do have to spend a far amount of time doing utterly boring things are work. Which is better than the geeks.

With them it is only a good time if they have to tell you about it no matter how gross or disgusting it is. I'm just glad the nerds out weigh the geeks.

Some times it is hard to keep tract for sure. Only from talking to the person will it be possible to find out. That makes me happy when I do figure it out. Then I can stop having to smile and lie to them like everyone else.


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