Thursday, April 05, 2007


There is a saying about how everyone is entitled to their opinion. Having the right to something and actually being responsible with it are not the same thing.

Which is the problem with opinions. Some people can have the most absurd opinions imaginable. We're talking about individuals who would be willing to fight to the death in order to believe the sky is really pink in the middle of the night.

Yeah, I'm speaking of people who truly are beyond any form of help. There is nothing unusual about it. Just a problem of when they happen to be in a position to in any way influence others. Like if they hold a position of importance and power. That can be really scary.

That is because such people always end up having stupid, even demented views of life and expect you to think it is okay. Which it never is naturally. Only they won't accept it.

Instead, they absolute expect you to agree with them. And brother, if you dare not to then in their position of power they will definitely not make your day.

So your only viable option is to pretend that you agree. To do that you naturally have lie. Plain and simple really. They don't want to hear the truth and certainly would prefer that you agree with them no matter how bizarre they view life.

The main down side to all of this is that it has to be a good one. I mean that is the really hard part.

For the big problem is that these people, though demented, have the ability to know crap when they hear it. Never quite figured out that part.

I mean they can utterly believe the most insane crap, but can also know when you are telling something equally full of crap. All of which comes down to being darn sure your litany of lies is current and appropriate for the applicable situation.

This pretty much requires one to lie regularly. In order to keep up on all the types of lies that work and those that don't. A crazy person will know right off if you are an amateur if you haven't practiced enough.

So I recommend a person make a habit of working out and testing all such nice concepts of fabrication before hand. Start out with people who flat don't even give a flip if you tell the truth anyway.

I suggest you start out with say people who work in customer service for whoever. They generally are very good at not caring. So you can get into the groove of making up crap and know they will not care.

Then with enough practice you can get really good to take on the loons. It might even save you from some grief some time. I speak from first hand knowledge on that one.


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