Friday, March 16, 2007


I should hope not! That is what I have to say on the subject. Which is primarily about those things that drive you nuts and you absolutely wouldn't want to deal with if you could avoid it in anyway.

Which, of course, includes a whole long list of groans and moans from my point of view. Namely, we're talking about people that you have to deal with who are anything, but a joy.

I guess I've just had to cope with way too many of these types lately. It then ends up consuming my postings. But then it does cut down on a lot of thinking I suppose.

After all, if you find a subject worth discussing, then you might as well keep at it. And with some of the people can't touch that means going nowhere near the crap they believe.

Which can be a real challenge when you deal with them everyday. It is hard to totally avoid their moments of less than sane activity.

I do the best I can, but we do try to and encourage people to express themselves in uplifting ways. So we allow them to do things like have plants at their desks.

That in itself is a good thing. Providing they don't think the plants are people. Things can get pretty silly in those situations.

Oh I don't mind when they treat them as sort of pet. Talking to some houseplant like it is a pet is tolerable.

However, when they treat them like they are their brother or grandmother, I get concerned. That really gets awkward when they want to have the plant give you a grandma hug, let me tell you.

That of course we do try to control to some degree. If a given employee starts to show signs of wavering in terms of sanity, we immediately go into action.

Well, we discuss it first. Clyde our security guard can be a bit overzealous in terms of coping with weirdness.

At least I think resorting to using a stun gun on somebody for scratching themselves is a bit over the top. It was hard to buy his claim he felt they were guilty of self-entertainment.

I didn't think that view justified his hand cuffing the person and then stuffing their head in a trash can. He tried to explain it, but somehow the lawyer for the employee didn't find it a decent option.

So for now, Clyde too is on the list of those who I have that can't touch this. And when he comes back from suspension and therapy I hope he remembers it.


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