Monday, March 19, 2007


Okay, I'm going to risk offending here by rambling about people with this annoying habit of saying no, when they mean something else, but not necessarily yes. It can me sort of.

So they put up some sign in their lives or wherever that tell you to leave them alone. Find, I will. But for Heaven's sake, give me a break!

I mean if you have decided to be a hermit, good. Just stop bugging me in the process! I really hate that when a person says, "oh, I need to be by myself." Then later, they are calling you up and spending all their time talking to you.

I'm the only one that would find that strange? Well, it is to me. Heck, I don't care what people do in such things as their private time. But if you are going to make it private, then shut up about it!

Yeah, is that too much to ask? Honestly, I think that is more than far. Do whatever you want. Start a cult. Take up polka dancing with chickens. Do anything that makes you smile and happy. Only do it for crying out loud somewhere else!

Now I suppose I shouldn't let myself get all excited on this subject. But lately it seems that I'm getting more and more people who have this problem and won't just go off in a corner and keep it to themselves.

However, that isn't my luck. And no matter how many meetings I invent to mask my desire to be left alone, they keep coming.

I'm thinking of creating this take a number option. Have it installed outside of my office. I think I'll even have more than one. Kind of like a customer service option.

That way I can have categories. Line one, pissant moaners who want to be alone and bug everyone in the process. Line two, those leeches who are here to suck me dry of any joy and everything else.

Then I'll have express lane. That's for bribes. Of course that line will have to be formed outside in the alley at night.

I mean I don't wish to expose such partners in my progress to any undo publicity. And naturally the rate of exchange on this deal is ten of the express lanes to everyone else.

Oh I won't tell the others that. Besides they are supposed to be off hibernating or something anyway. So I might as well help them to feel that way.

It is a pity they don't appreciate my efforts. Honestly, you never get any thanks for being thoughtful when people think you aren't being thoughtful, but selfish. I have a special complaint form for that.

It is posted in the alley were you can only file your complaint when there is a risk of being run over by a garbage truck.


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