Thursday, March 15, 2007


I love those things we never talk about in the open and pretend don't exist, but we all know are true just the same. Like say when some person you happen to know is involved in some sleazy activity. Doesn't matter what it is, you know about it, but never talk about it with the person.

If you see them, you just smile and talk about the weather. You never ask something like say, what is the gal at work you are secretly sleeping with really like? Any good in bed? Does she have any girl friends looking for a good time?

That might be a wonderful thing to ask if you got a decent answer, but odds are the person would answer anyway.

So instead we just play the game of talking about the person behind their back. Which makes for a fun game at times admittedly.

Gossip can be so entertaining. One can imagine all the details about two people fooling around and never worry about the facts.

That part is the element for me that I enjoy under the category of fantasy character assassination. It has such a touching and wonderful means of past time.

I always enjoy the part too where people like to sit around and pretend that somehow you know it is all a good thing. After all, telling the person to their face might hurt their feelings.

So it is just a lot kinder to not say anything. Well it is also easier since you don't have to worry about them getting upset and beating the crap out of you.

That can be sort of an important concern at times. One I do prefer to ignore when possible. Just not sure I would ever think of a time when it would be preferable to tell them the truth.

This is probably a game played best in small settings. Like in small towns. If you get too many people involved it is just too crazy and confusing.

It might not be if everyone admitted to even playing the game, but most don't. That is the hard part, we never can tell who all the players are going to be.

And I doubt that is going to change either. I'm not personally sure I want it to change though. I rather enjoy the whole concept of how this game really works.

So for me, I'm not planning on interfering with process. Oh no, why spoil all the fun. I might consider writing a rule book sometime. Most likely in disappearing ink. No sense risking annoying anyone, but I don't see any reason to let that keep me from playing either.


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