Monday, March 12, 2007


Well the Lord might work the kinds of miracles where he feeds thousands of people with a few fish and loaves of bread, but for us mortals it isn't that easy. We can't just make food appear.

It sure would be a whole lot easier if we could. Might cut down on the issue of litter and leftovers too.

But so far, that option isn't available. I did try at one time trying to get more of the bible thumpers involved when we planned some big event involving food. I figured it didn't hurt to have them there in case you know God was in a mood to work another of the same miracles.

Unfortunately, up till now the only thing that has happened from getting people like Reverend Analbe and his Moral Priority involved is they extra cost to me for buying them refreshments. Which is hardly helpful.

Needless to say I haven't attempted to ask them again to help out. I'm still keeping my options open you understand. Never want to rule out my options.

Meanwhile the challenge is to of course figure the best way when we have some Founder's Day event to make sure nobody feels like they are starving. Which gets really tricky at times.

Tricky for me you understand because I have to figure the most affordable way to get enough food, but as cheap as possible. Otherwise I can't overcharge the city's budget and keep the difference for myself.

It is just manner of making sure you define food in such a way so that you don't rule out any options that might otherwise be regarded as not a first choice. Hamburgers are always a good choice.

With the right amount of condiments it becomes very hard for anyone to tell what kind of meat you really used. Or the quality of it either.

This opens the door for allowing me to grant opportunity for income to those who provide such meet that would not in other situations be acceptable. I mean can we really say that the health department's standards are at times less than flexible.

I just try to inspire those wonderful independent businessmen with the kind of chances to share in community activities that we all will benefit from in due time. There are moments when this does challenge conventional thinking.

Which to me is the spirit of invention when can test the envelope of one's thinking. Of course there are times when a few folks end up having to take tests for food poisoning as a result of my labors, but live and learn as they say.


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