Wednesday, March 07, 2007


Ah, is there any better feeling than to be able to feel you are insulated from problems? I love that feeling.

And I love it even better when it isn't from me lying to myself. Those are the best types of situations.

The big problem is that you have so much trouble finding real life situations where you really are invincible. Unless by chance you happen to be Superman and as far as I know I haven't been given that option.

I suppose having special powers would be nice. Not that easy to come by though. It isn't like there is a shop somewhere you can shop for stuff like super powers.

I can imagine it would be very popular. The big problem would be having so many people with the same powers. It would kind of cancel them out.

Maybe a lottery would work. Yeah, you could pay a fee to get a ticket to be Superman for a month or perhaps only a day. There would be a lot of people buying tickets that's for sure.

Now me, I would want the concession for having kryptonite. Yep, I would let them pay me to not give them some. I could imagine I could charge a nice hefty fee for that service.

Of course I would also not object to things like selling the kryptonite to the enemy of the person paying to be superman. That way I could double my income chances in no time.

I do appreciate how some might not think my approach is necessarily a good one. So perhaps I would be better off making sure I don't mention that part to the person being Superman.

While I'm at it maybe I can strike a deal to find a few fall guys to let anyone beat up. That way the losers in the lottery could still feel like heroes.

It is the most important thing I feel. And even without a Superman cape one can manage to escape to above it all.

Why with the right amount of money anyone can buy their own cape or Army of body guards to beat the snot out of everyone that gives them a hard time. Now that is what I call definitely being above it all.

And for a small fee I imagine I can pretty much figure a way to let everyone get above it all. Well of course within reason. Which always means that you can be above it all, but as long as I'm not part of the all. That is where I have to draw the line you understand. Just like to be sure I keep my options open.


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