Tuesday, March 06, 2007


Why is it wrong to get all excited when seeing some attractive member of the opposite sex? I think it is a fair question.

Heck, what are we suppose to do? I suppose you can do what most of us do, lie and pretend we didn't notice if we are somewhere that drooling is frown upon. You know like a PTA meeting.

That is supposed to be about families and wholesome values. We are supposed to be there to help and support the kids. To show our interest in the educational system and being partners in the learning process for our children.

Well that is the standard approach I imagine. However, what the heck am I to do when some mother is there that is so incredibly gorgeous I can hardly keep from drooling?

Is that realistic? If you listen to some people the answer is yes. These are the same knuckleheads who view morality as something you could inspire through laws. As if saying something is illegal really keeps everyone from doing illegal things. Anyone seriously buy that?

Which is my point. Why do we need to have all this silliness about desires? It is okay to have them. You just can only have them when somebody says they are acceptable. Like you have this faucet in your hormones you can turn on or off as your discretion.

Is anybody going to seriously tell me that works? I don't particularly feel like playing that game myself.

So I pretty much have set up my own criteria. Essentially, there are the drooling moments. The ones where the body takes over and you can only think of one thing when you see some beautiful member of the opposite sex. And it isn't pure thoughts either.

Well, what I have done is created a drool meter. I have catalogued all such experiences into the one's where you are free to drool without danger and the ones where you are likely to get into trouble.

So far I have resisted trying to publish this list. I figure that is probably is in print somewhere anyway.

Probably on the internet. Lord knows you can find pretty much everything else there. Perhaps on some web site devoted to drooling.

Hey, they have them for everything else, I imagine they have them for that too. In fact I imagine they have a special email system where you can contribute your own list of drool moments. Most likely for a fee though.

As for me, I just keep my list in a nice safe place. And not somewhere others can find. No sense inviting them to drool on it by mistake or otherwise.


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