Saturday, March 03, 2007


I can't say that I feel these to necessarily go together. That's because there are a lot of things I have tried, but didn't find trying them made them share any truth I wanted to know.

Which I guess is a helpful truth to some degree. Sort of like eating something for the first thing and then puking your guts out. At least you learn the truth you hated it. Not always a lesson we think we want to learn, but it can be helpful.

Personally, I only prefer trying things that leave you with the truth where you can end up saying ahhh a lot. Only it is hard to find out if that happens without the trying.

Except when things are obvious naturally. Like for example you can pretty much depend upon the truth that walking out into traffic blindfolded will not be a healthy choice. I don't need to try that one to know.

So in part the tried and true could be relegated to an appreciation of ruling out incidents of plain stupidity. The kind where you don't need to be hit with a hammer to tell you not to try something.

I would presume though that it might be nice if that ruled out less than a bazillion other options. Only it doesn't. It just cuts down on the number of do this when you are stupid options.

Alas there is no limitation on occasions when you will simply not find out without trying whether something is good or bad. I personally would love to have a nice reference guide on some things.

It would safe a lot of time I imagine. But the problem is with human nature being such as it is, I doubt everyone would necessarily be willing to accept such a guide.

Still, I think it would be fun to perhaps help write. Providing I had an assistant to do most of the trying part. The stuff where I wasn't sure if it was truly worth trying and too chicken to want to find out for myself.

I imagine for the right fee I could manage to locate some able bodied individual who would consider such a job worthwhile. Oh I imagine I would have to toss in things like a decent wage, at least a cent or two above minimum. And perhaps medical.

Hmmm, perhaps I can get a break on the medical if I arrange to have the person do some testing for a lab. Heck, if I work it right I might even manage to cut a deal where I can recover the cost of the person's salary in the process.

Gee, I wonder if I could find out also about organ donor options? Well, not for starters you understand. Just in case things didn't work out with the employee and I need to well, I guess I shouldn't mention that part.


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