Saturday, February 17, 2007


I hate when I have to go to some convention or meeting in another town where I have to drive there. Flying isn't so bad despite the hassles of security and what not. At least I get a chance to hit on the stewardess. Which if I luck out means I end up with a whole different form of first class flying that I truly don't mind.

Anyway, there are those occasions when I get stuck having to travel some event by car. I don't mind the whole car deal in terms of getting away from city hall, I just hate how long it takes to get there with nothing to really do, but drive.

Oh I know, I can listen to the radio and watch the landscape, but that doesn't exactly satisfy. I do get all excited if I see some cute hottie of a hitchhiker that I can give a ride, but that seldom happens to my liking.

The only possible redemption comes from having my cell phone handy. I know you aren't supposed to use them while driving, but so far I haven't notice that keeping people from doing it. So I do manage occasionally to get the time to pass that way too.

In the meantime, my goal is to make this period that seems to last forever, end as soon as possible with distraction. And the only real positive way I've found is to allow myself the wonderful joy of daydreaming.

Oh there are several categories in which this works best. Actually the obvious are frankly the least helpful. Lust just is too distracting and stimulates in the wrong way.

Now for me, the best option is greed. Yep, I can use the time to sooo enjoy imagining some plot I can create making me rich.

And let me tell you when I finish that, I'm truly savoring the moment. It is just a joy to sail down the road thinking I'm a god in terms of having power over people.

Why before I know it I feel so darn good that I don't even think about the road at all. Which is the whole point.

Of course the added benefit is when I am have the chance to spend time turning that whole process into a case of giving some speech where I claim I spent the time thinking of ways to help my fellow man. Now that truly makes me smile.

It is partly true naturally. The only part I don't happen to mention is that the fellow man I'm trying to help, is me.

I see no reason to not bother those people with that detail. After all what happens on the road is one of those things that can stay a blur.

Meanwhile, if I work it right, I get a chance to impress people with what a good person I am and also plot a new way to steal from folks. Hopefully, i get it all done before seeing the exit sign.


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