Saturday, February 10, 2007


If you were to pay attention to the prevailing moral thinking in some circles they would imply that we should somehow all have an erotic lobotomy. And naturally, if you disagree they have a better solution. All they want is to have your head kiss a guillotine. Only just before it does they want to be sure you know how much they love it, which is why they are going to put you out of the misery of thinking any erotic thoughts.

Okay, you can say I'm exaggerating. But you know the problem is that there are really some places that this would be far too true. And that is the scary part.

Speaking for myself, I just accept that fact that we all have pulse and as long as we the heart is beating then we are going to be horny. I sure don't mind admitting that is for me a good test of knowing you are still alive.

And if the day comes when I stop getting the hots after some cute gal walks by I think I check and make sure my name is not in the obituaries. Because that is no doubt where it would be if I stop reacting that way.

Which I perhaps exaggerate a tad because of the lamebrain puritan moral police that want to somehow put a chastity belt on all our hormones. Like that would ever work.

It doesn't prevent them from trying. And what happens when you, shall we say, dam up the old erotic plumbing? You know that place where the reproduction juices are suppose to flow.

I'll tell you what happens, you get an industrial case of rust. Yep, the kind of disgusting pollution that rots your brain. Another term for it from my point of view is sexual frustration.

I've seen a lot of that in my day. People who have an inch they can't scratch and try to pretend everything is okay.

And their lips my be talking about the merits of abstinence, but let me tell you their gonads are screaming, "god give me a break and find a date." Only they will never tell you that.

Meanwhile for those of us who are sane and have stop kidding ourselves, we just do what we can to smile and plot. Yeah I said plot.

If you live in a place that keeps "food" lock up and tells you that you can live without it, then sooner or later you're going to get so hungry that you'll be figuring a way to steal some. And when you look upon life as a preserve where you go hunting, only the prey is the type that doesn't really mind being caught, considering the weapon you are going to use, then I going hunting.

As for the rest of you, just enjoy whatever works for you. If I don't see you at the motel, then I'll be thinking of you. Well, kind of.


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