Friday, February 09, 2007


That is perhaps not the best form of English, but I imagine plenty of us have thought that question at one time or another. Why for works for me. It is the probing in a casual way into those darn things that seem to poke us in the eye and we hate it.

Why for covers a whole host of things we just can't figure out because we probably don't really want the answer anyway. And isn't it wonderful of me to invest the time rambling about such a valuable topic?

When you take time to study it I think the why fors of life are really rhetorical in nature. We are actually expecting an answer and if there is an answer we would probably not care to really delve that much passed the why for.

This is all an exercise in rambling naturally, which is to prove one point. Not every question deserves or needs an answer.

And the bigger a question is in terms of being vague, the more we turn to people we can blame for not providing the answers that aren't there in the first place. Hey, we all need to blame somebody for the problems of life. It seems to work for most people.

When in doubt a politician is a nice option for someone to blame. It is always a safe direction to point the finger.

Even if the politician didn't mess things up, he probably did something wrong, so what the heck, go ahead and say it is all YOUR fault. Ah, doesn't that feel better. I thought so.

Does any of this result in anyone actually getting an answer to the why for? Probably not, but at least we know who is suppose to be yelled at for the mess.

Isn't that just so special? I doubt too many people are very uncomfortable blaming some leader for all the mistakes in their lives. What a joy to know something you screwed up in your life was really somebody else's fault. Oh yeah, that is such a blessed experience.

But you know what, even politicians are able to do this. After all we have so many that you can always muster at least one deserving of saying is at fault for some blunder. It just feels so good as a politician to point the finger at another sucker and tell some angry voters, "go and get him!"

I do pity the poor guy who runs out of people to blame for his screw ups. Why that is almost unAmerican from my view.

However, I can live with it as long as it doesn't happen to me. And even when I do run out of real people, there are always the wonderful "they" I can blame. Which is even better since they don't exist anywhere that they can fight back. No concerns over revenge makes the whole thing so much more pleasant to lie about. Which is another why for that I will savor and not mention to others.


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